Thursday 10 May 2007

Daily Calorie Expenditure Formula

So how many calories should you consume a day? Well that really depends on your goals. Simply defined you could fall into either

a) Weight Gain
b) Weight Loss

To gain weight it is recommended that you consume around 500 additional calories to your daily maintenance requirement which should equate to roughly 1lb of weigh gain per week.

Therefore to lose weight the principle is reversed with a calorie deficit of between 250-500 calories per day vs. daily maintenance delivering between 1-2lbs of fat loss per week.

It is important to remember that the make up of these calories is incredibly important, ie. only eating fat calories in a day then reducing the amount by 500 points is hardly going to have a profound affect but we can cover this off at a later date.

For now please use the following formula to calculate your daily calorific maintenance requirement to work from.

A) Your weight in pounds
B) Multiply A by 11 to get your resting metabolic rate
C) Multiply B by 1.6 to estimate your daily calorie expenditure through normal activities
D) STRENGTH TRAINING - Multiply your number minutes per week of ST by 5
E) AEROBIC AND SPRINT TRAINING - Multiply your number of minutes per week of AAST by 8
F) Add D and E together and divide by 7
G) Add line C and F together to get your daily calorie requirement

Hope this helps, I'll go into more detail soon.

1 comment:

Duane said...

Hi there James,

Thanks for visiting my blog and for your awesome comments.

What cancer do you have? HD? How old are you? I'd be happy to make a link to your blog.

Wishing you the very best and stay in touch,